discovery of the healing powers enclosed in these minerals date back to ancient
Rome. Aristotle published book recording information that he assembled on the
stones. As a revered scholar with knowledge of science, he expanded his
research to studying the colors on these stones and their magic properties in
his scientific dissertation.
The very
steadfast attention of greatest minds of mankind to natural crystals and their properties
is not casual. The crystals are firm bodies, atoms or which molecules form the
ordered periodic structure. The symmetry of crystal structure defines the
external form of a crystal, and also features of its physical properties.
Russian researchers
have recently discovered that minerals radiate waves of the certain frequency. The
nature of wave interaction of a crystal and live organism are based on an
ancient technique of correction of biological system by minerals. The best
efficiency is achieved at occurrence of a counter resonance, and then the more
perfectly crystal structure always representing fractal object, the higher is
the quality of a resonance.
From this
perception, it is necessary to consider the interaction of the crystal
structures with the mineral and metal, which are used at manufacturing an
ornament. The correctly picked up combination, in view of resonant properties
of both substances, will strengthen positive result. The important role here is
played by effect of the form - organs of a crystal.
In a rule of
thumb, however, the crystal structure of natural objects contains numerous
defects, that is reflected both in quality of the crystal, and on quality of
interaction of a crystal with organism. For this reason in ancient spiritual
large crystals “of pure water ", that is not containing of defects, seen
by an eye were especially appreciated.
The technology
developed by Fund "AIRES" is enabled to carry out similar correction
of biological system on the basis of resonant interactions, but without
distortions connected with natural minerals. Fund Aires has recently created a
new product - ornaments executed on the basis of the latest technological
development. The overlapping of health and beauty is realized in new
The jewelry
contains a design with the microprocessor resonator representing a silicon
plate that is put together by a method micro lithography by the fractal-matrix
circuit. The microprocessor is the universal spatial, a wave filter furrier
that decomposes and makes wave pulses that are produced by crates of the
The ear is
one of the central parts of the nervous system that has located more than hundred
biologically active points being as a projection of all departments human
organism, and a zone of a solar texture. As a result of arising resonant
interaction of these zones and topology of the microprocessor the spatial -
wave characteristic of electromagnetic radiation of crates will be
re-structured, that is one of determining conditions of processes of local and
general character.
By wearing
these Matrix Virtu ornaments, the functional condition of nervous system is
optimized, by mobilization of function, thus providing higher coordination of
actions of systems of life-support and maintenance of homeostasis. You can now
retain your beauty while maintaining optimal health.